Conductor of Earth

Halfway Out Of The Dark

Thomas Midena · Wednesday, July 20th

There's a bunch going on behind the scenes at the moment, but most prominent is our crowdfunding campaign – which has less than two weeks to go! We've been exceptionally chuffed with the contributions we've received so far. If you haven't yet, take a look at our Pozible crowdfunding page. And be sure to check out our pledge rewards there, which include many brilliant and wacky things, such as a copy of the film itself for just $15.

Lately we've been getting a lot louder in a variety of ways. We're now on Facebook and Instagram, and we're posting regular updates there. For example on Facebook we're currently in the process of announcing our awesome cast! One by one, like marching ants if you don't sing the song for very long.

It's all good, hearty fun. And we're shooting in just over a month's time! Are we prepared? Yep. Are you prepared? No. How can you get prepared? I'll tell you next time.

That's it for now, be seeing you.